Founded by Kazuo Terakado in November 1997, originally as Newton International, Inc. Initially operations revolved around foreign rights, translation, editorial works, and digital content production for the publications of Newton Press, Inc., a science-focused publisher. £É£î 2003, Newton International, Inc. opened its doors to new business partners outside the Newton group, including the Shogakkan group, a major Japanese publisher, Global Meta-Media Division of Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. By August 2003, a consortium was established, including the Shogakkan group and Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc., aimed at the production of Internet content for scientific education. In November 2003, Newton International, Inc. was renamed SCIENCE WEB, INC.
Services provided by SCIENCE WEB, INC. are not restricted to the scientific domain; our services also span history, archeology, art, literature, fashion and music.
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